About Us
Learn more about Agudas Israel's history, mission and values.
Agudas Israel of St. Louis was established in 1981 as a shul that encouraged Torah learning in addition to providing a place of tefilah and prayer.
The Shul has grown from an initial membership of 10 families to over 160 families today.
The Agudas Israel community has a uniting mission: personal spiritual growth. The drashas, tefilah and learning all focus on how each person can grow and achieve his or her potential.
We believe Torah triggers our growth. The individual benefits and the community is enhanced when we pursue this philosophy together.

Why Agudah
Agudas Israel is a unique shul which helps its members reach new heights of serving Hashem in a friendly and encouraging atmosphere.
Our Rav

Rabbi Menachem Greenblatt
Rabbi Greenblatt has served as spiritual leader of Agudas Israel of St. Louis since 1986. He was instrumental in founding Torah Prep School as well as Bais Yaakov High School. In 1991, he spearheaded the establishment of the St. Louis Kollel and became Rosh Kollel, Dean.
A native Memphian, Rabbi Greenblatt received semicha from the Ner Israel Rabbinical College and studied under leading Torah Sages of our times, notably among them Rabbi J.I. Ruderman, Rabbi Chaim Shmuelevitz, and Rabbi Nachum Parzovits.
Rabbi Greenblatt’s wife, Tova, serves as principal of Esther Miller Bais Yaakov High School of St. Louis, and together they have numerous outstanding children and grandchildren.